Friday 11 May 2018


I'm assuming anyone who is reading this inaugural post falls into three categories: my direct family, my friends, or random internet users who stumbled upon this page by accident. To my family, I hope this will provide a little more insight into my life, to my friends, I hope this provides updates to what I've been up to, and to random internet passerby's, I promise there are plenty of more interesting places on the internet than here. Regardless of why you're here, welcome. 

For the past couple of years, I have wanted a way to track, and share, my adventures, thoughts, and insights. While a blog seemed daunting at first and frankly still quite is, I am committed (for now) to attempting one. I do not know where it will go, or what exactly it will manifest into, but I fear if I don't start now, I never will. 

Ideally, this page will serve as a platform for photographs, videos, lists, opinions, product reviews, travel plans, and anything else that I find interesting or worth-sharing. While I am writing for myself, not a class or the approval of others, I hope you can join me, or at least find entertainment, in my attempt at documenting a *small* portion of my life. Here goes nothing!


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